Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

So sorry I had been MIA the past few days. My little family and I last min decided to load up the car and make the hike up north to Long Island, to spend the long Memorial Day weekend with family!
It was such a laid back, calm, relaxing trip. Bennett was finally introduced to this side of my family as well as my husband Jim!! Seriously long over due... We've been married for almost 4 years now and we finally just now were able to make this trip! That's life in the marine corp I suppose.
They were both embraced with open arms & as I knew they would fit in as if they were always there! As we drove around exploring the neighborhoods that surround my aunts and uncles houses, we have both taken to Long Island and fallen in love. (I was born there, moved away really young) I felt very inspired by the hustle of the nearby city traffic but very at home and comforted by the small quaint neighborhoods & family. Can I just say the food is to die for & you will never get better, pizza, Italian, bagels or shopping than in New York. We just may have a future around those parts! Once I can get to a computer I will share all my awesome NY finds!!
Actually as I write this we are still in the car making our way back to our humble abode. With About 3 hours left on the clock! Thought I would take this opportunity to recognize that today is Memorial Day. While you are enjoying your picnics,fishing, beach, bbq'ing etc etc.. Be sure to give Thanks to all of those who have given & will give, the biggest sacrifice for our country and allowed us the freedoms we take for granted every day. Never to be forgotten.
Also a special thank you to my own husband who continues to serve our country in the Unites States marine Corp. I am so proud of you, and appreciate everything you do! Love you babe!

Happy Memorial Day!

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